Duncan King
Senior Technical Manager
E-mail: duncan.king@constructionproducts.org.uk
Duncan is the Technical Manager for the Construction Products Association, responsible for monitoring and interpreting UK and EU building and product regulations and standards. As the secretariat for the Association’s Technical Committee, he is the principal liaison with the members to advise government, regulators, certification bodies and research bodies on those same regulations and standards. He is also responsible for editing one of the CPA’s most popular publications, “Guidance Notes for the Construction Products Association”.
Prior to joining the CPA in 2011, Duncan qualified as a Timber Technologist in 1974 and had an extensive and varied career in the commercial side of the timber industry both at home and overseas before switching to the service side and starting his own technical consultancy in 1992. He spent many years as a member of three British Standards product committees during the transition from national standards to European Norms. This naturally led onto a heavy commitment with product assessment, CE marking and the Construction Products Directive and subsequent Regulation. For the past three years he has been a member of CB/-/5 dealing with the CPR policy issues for the BSI. Duncan has managed the certification process leading up to the issue of BBA Certificates for several oversea wood-based structural elements and written several pieces of technical literature and seminars accepted by RIBA, BIAT, IBC and ABE for continuing professional development purposes.
Duncan is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and a Member of the Chartered Management Institute.